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How to deploy a Realm / Package


This guide shows you how to deploy any realm or package to the Gno chain. Deployment is be done by utilizing gnokey's maketx addpkg API.


Regardless of whether you're deploying a realm or a package, you will be using gnokey's maketx addpkg - the usage of maketx addpkg in both cases is identical.


  • Have gnokey installed
  • Have access to a gnoland node (local or remote)
  • Have generated a keypair with gnokey & funded it with gnot
  • Have a Realm or Package ready to deploy


To illustrate deployment, we will use a realm. Consider the following folder structure:

├─ r/
│ ├─ counter/
│ │ ├─ counter.gno

We would like to deploy the realm found in counter.gno. To do this, open a terminal at counter-app/ and use the following gnokey command:

gnokey maketx addpkg \
--pkgpath "" \
--pkgdir "./r/counter" \
--gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
--gas-wanted 800000 \
--broadcast \
--chainid dev \
--remote localhost:26657 \

Let's analyze all of the flags in detail:

  • --pkgpath - path where the package/realm will be placed on-chain
  • --pkgdir - local path where the package/realm is located
  • --gas-wanted - the upper limit for units of gas for the execution of the transaction - similar to Solidity's gas limit
  • --gas-fee - similar to Solidity's gas-price
  • --broadcast - broadcast the transaction on-chain
  • --chain-id - id of the chain to connect to - local or remote
  • --remote - gnoland node endpoint - local or remote
  • MyKey - the keypair to use for the transaction

As of October 2023, --gas-fee is fixed to 1gnot (10000000ugnot), with plans to change it down the line.

Next, confirm the transaction with your keypair passphrase. If deployment was successful, you will be presented with a message similar to the following:

GAS WANTED: 800000
GAS USED: 775097

Depending on the size of the package/realm, you might need to increase amount given in the --gas-wanted flag to cover the deployment cost.


That's it 🎉

You have now successfully deployed a realm/package to a chain.